The 多样性、公平和包容 Collaborative is a collective of over 18 voluntary task and action groups. Under the leadership of and with support from the Division of 多样性、公平和包容 & 学生的转变, 每个小组由一名教员领导, 工作人员, 还有一个学生, who work in tandem with their respective volunteer members to effectively implement their intended initiatives on campus.
尽管行动小组涵盖了各种领域, from campus beautification to intra-cultural competency training, the 一些合作 is engaged in ongoing work that increases the awareness and appreciation of diversity on campus and in society at large. 通过方案的实施, activities, and events, the Collaborative endeavors to build a sense of unity within and across cultures.
最初叫做多元文化项目委员会, the group was formed in 1990 on the heels of the University’s first Unity March in 1989. The Unity March was an expression of racial unity and positive, proactive action by 利记sbo students at a time when racial tensions were particularly explosive throughout the nation and on many college campuses. 游行的完整历史可以在我们的网站上找到 团结游行网页.
The mission of the 一些合作 has expanded over the years to include issues of ethnicity, gender, 性取向, abilities, etc.
想参与进来吗?? 联系多元化、公平和包容部,地址是 diversity@china-good.net 了解如何加入协作会.
The 一些合作 was established as the “Multicultural Program Committee” in 1990. 在利记sbo发生一系列事件之后, 其他本地学院, and in the Utica community drew attention to the divisions that still existed between members of our community based on race and ethnicity, 利记sbo在1989年率先发起了第一次团结游行.
One of the activities most associated with the Multicultural/Diversity Committee/一些合作 is the Unity March. Some information about 利记sbo Unity Marches follows:
- 第一次团结游行发生在1989年. This event was a response to incidents that had occurred on several campuses in the area, and was both a protest that such situations continued to occur and an expression of the belief in our ability to live together in harmony.
- Unity Marches initially were called “Candlelight Unity March for Racial Harmony”, and participants marched in the evening from Oneida Square to City Hall.
- In 1991, Unity March was advertised as the “Unity March: A Celebration of Diversity”, 但主要是针对种族和民族多样性. By 1992, 游行的焦点扩大了, and co-sponsors included not only student 组织 such as the Black Student Union and the Latin American Student Union but newly formed groups such as the Womyn’s Resource Center and the Gay and Lesbian Student Alliance.
- Every Unity March included members of local colleges and the community; some came because they were explicitly invited, while others would see the March was occurring and simply join us.
- Other activities that took place at some of the marches included banner contests, 手持蜡烛游行(或在游行结束时点燃蜡烛), 以及游行前后的演讲嘉宾.
- Eventually the format for Unity Marches evolved into a pre-march rally with speakers, 然后从奥奈达广场出发, 游行后的集会和演讲, occasionally, 游行后的活动(如戏剧), 小组讨论, etc.). 游行的路线吸引了学生, faculty/staff and community members from Oneida Square through the surrounding community and back to Plymouth Bethesda Church for the post-march speak out. The final Unity March in 2003 ended at Pratt Institute as part of a collaborative effort between Pratt and 利记sbo students.
- Unity Marches became a powerful expression of the belief in the gifts diversity brings to our campus and our communities, but also affirmed the need to talk with each other and understand each other in order to better support each other. You can see those concepts expressed in the eventual banner design that was used for several years, in which the words “Community” and “Unity Through Diversity” encircle the words “Peace and Justice” 这里包括设计
- The Unity March began to lose its relevance as a student-initiated event, and eventually became less representative of a strategy for the campus community to express our belief in the value of cultural diversity. As a result, the Diversity Committee suggested that the campus move towards a Multicultural Retreat in the spring of 2005 in order to bring members of the Utica College community back together to take a look at the ways in which 利记sbo is diverse, what the climate at 利记sbo is like in terms of being inclusive and welcoming, 并提出仍需解决的问题.
The 一些合作 has been involved in a number of other activities in response to needs of the 利记sbo campus. 这些活动包括:
- 同伴领导计划(1992)-旨在发展, implement, and assist in programming related to issues of diversity and multiculturalism on the 利记sbo校园. 目的是让这个小组充当联络员, 当他们被要求提供帮助时, 学生之间, faculty, and the administration at times of racial or cultural crisis or tension. 这个项目目前在尤蒂卡学院不存在.
- Train-the-trainer programming with 汉密尔顿学院 and 科尔盖特大学 (1995)
- Funding creative programming focused on cultural diversity (2002-2003)
- 其他程序, 比如国旗展示日和多元文化博览会, were initiated by the Diversity Committee and incorporated into regular programming planning by offices such as the International Programs office and Student Activities.
DEI协作组欢迎下列人士的参与 any member of the 利记sbo community - students, staff, or faculty!
想成为会员,请联系Mark Kovacs mkovacs@china-good.net.
Name | Title |
安德里亚Casuras | 学生成功中心副主任 |
安东尼·贝尔德 | VP & 首席多元化官,多元化,公平和包容 & 学生的转变 |
Ashlea Schad | 发展部主任 |
布莱恩Gleitsmann | 招生高级助理主任 |
卡拉帕特森 | Student |
克里斯汀Leogrande | 市场部媒体关系总监 & 通信 |
席亚拉帕里什 | 助理署长-校友 & 学生参与、进步 |
西西里Talerico | 职业治疗实践教授 |
Civita阿拉德 | 护理学副教授 |
科琳墨菲 | Student |
科琳Tagliarina | 政府助理讲师 |
克里斯托·圣地亚哥·科拉 | Student |
黛博拉Wilson-Allam | 国际教育执行主任 |
多萝西Obernesser | 英语助理教授 |
小说豪厄尔 | Counselor/Tutorial Coordinator, Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) |
迪伦班纳特 | Student |
爱德华Yeboah | Student |
伊丽莎白·纳塞尔 | 学术业务发展总监 |
Ellen Smith | 护理学副教授 |
碧玉Wojtach | Retention/Tutoring Coordinator, TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) |
杰西卡Amerosa | 学习服务办公室助理主任 |
吉莉安Szeliga | 人力资源部福利协调员 |
约翰索夫斯基 | 临床顾问 |
凯瑟琳·卡伦 | 教育学副教授 |
凯利密涅瓦 | 英语助理教授 |
Kira Maddox | 沟通、多样性、公平和包容 & 学生的转变 |
凯尔·米切尔 | Student |
Laurah Klepinger | 人类学助理教授 |
Lisa Green | 副总裁,人力资源-人事发展 |
林恩·费拉拉 | 音乐兼职讲师 |
Mark Kovacs | 多元化、公平和包容部执行董事 & 学生的转变 |
马修文森特 | TRiO学生支援服务处助理处长 |
玛格丽特Hemstrought | 健康助理教授 & 冒险教育 |
梅根·乔丹 | 多元化、公平和包容项目经理 & 学生的转变 |
Nina Nguyen | 项目经理 & Senior Administrative Assistant, 多样性、公平和包容 & 学生的转变 |
Olivia Kodsy | Student |
帕特里斯·哈洛克 | 教育学教授 |
Rayna Orsino | 助理署长(招生) |
山姆Berry-Sullivan | 参考馆员 |
萨曼莎Marocco | 物理治疗助理教授 |
Shakha John | IITS网络管理员 |
Stacy Phelps | 国际教育协调员 |
Tegan Kurucz | Student |
Contact Us
多样性、股票、 & 利记sbo的包容性
青年利记sbo自由伙伴计划 Celebrates Class of 2024, Welcomes Class of 2030
利记sbo Announces 2024 Commencement Speakers for Undergraduate and Graduate Ceremonies
自1971年AAC成立&U has developed initiatives that bring together faculty and institutions of higher learning to provide national leadership that advances diversity and equity in higher education, and the best educational practices for an increasingly diverse population. AAC&U understands diversity and equity as fundamental goals of higher education and as resources for learning that are valuable for all students, vital to democracy and a democratic workforce and to the global position and wellbeing of the United States.
The U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division provides information about the 美国残疾人法案 (ADA).
Bestcolleges.com features resources designed to inform LGBTQ prospective students about LGTBQ-friendly campuses.
学校的骄傲 serves LGBT and ally student leaders and campus 组织 in the areas of leadership development, 支持项目和服务,创造更安全, 更包容的对lgbt友好的学院和大学. 它的存在是为了发展, support and give “voice and action” in building future LGBT and ally student leaders. 学校的骄傲 envisions campuses and a society free of anti-LGBT prejudice, bigotry and hate. 它有助于培养学生领袖, 校园网络, 以及未来创造这种积极变化的行动.
The combined vision and mission of the Consortium is to achieve higher education environments in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, 变性学生, faculty, staff, 管理员, 校友在各个方面都是平等的. Our goals are to support colleagues and develop curriculum to professionally enhance this work; to seek climate improvement on campuses; and to advocate for policy change, 程序开发, 建立LGBT办公室/中心.
多元化公司 is the leading publication on diversity and business. Its mission is to bring education and clarity to the business benefits of diversity.
多样性是机构利记sbo的组成部分. HERC understands the need to remove barriers to the recruitment, retention, and advancement of talented faculty and staff from historically excluded and underrepresented populations. HERC maintains a list of higher education and related publications, websites, 协会, 组织, and professional societies that serve diverse constituents and publish diverse content.
As the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, 双性恋和跨性别美国人, 人权运动代表了一股超过1000人的力量.5 million members and supporters nationwide — all committed to making HRC's vision a reality. 成立于1980年, 人权委员会代表美国的LGBT群体, 动员不同社区的基层行动, invests strategically to elect fair-minded individuals to office and educates the public about LGBT issues.
The mission of the 全国有色人种协进会 is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. The vision of the 全国有色人种协进会 is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race.
Noah is a transgender male who will shift our understanding of gender. 在他的TEDx面粉城演讲中,“还剩下什么? Our Rights." he'll share his personal journey to help us empathize with how something so basic as identity can be challenged daily. 也可以查看他的 YouTube视频他是拿撒勒学院的学生.
基督教女青年会致力于消除种族主义, 赋予妇女权力,促进和平, justice, 人人享有自由和尊严. 纵观我们的历史, the YWCA has been in the forefront of most major movements in the United States as a pioneer in race relations, 工会代表, 以及赋予妇女权力.
Need information on a particular holiday found across the world? 想知道什么时候庆祝? 地球日历 is a non-profit website to which individuals submit information about the world's holidays and celebrations.
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